Will Rawlings
Owner | Head Coach
Will completed his MA in Exercise Science at the University of Northern Iowa with a BA in Psychology.
Played four years of collegiate baseball as both a starting and relief pitcher.
Coached Baseball at the College of Lake County, he helped the team to a record of 33-23 in 2006.
Was the Strength & Conditioning Coach for the University of Northern Iowa Baseball Team for two years.
Strength & Conditioning Coordinator at Grundy Center High School, in Grundy Center, IA.
Personal Records:
170 kg in the Clean & Jerk
146 kg in the Snatch
250 kg Deadlift
220 kg Squat
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength & Conditioning Association (CSCS, NSCA)
USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach Certified Level 2 (USAW L-2)
CrossFit Level 1